Prasadi Academy, situated in an amiable environment, is an excellent institution for those parents who seek disciplined atmosphere, quality education and a loving care. The academy provides a friendly and stimulating environment for arduous work. As a guardian I am impressed with the approach to the teaching and I have found its teachers very helpful and dedicated to their profession. I feel that Prasadi has provided my child with all the guidance, learning, preparation that she will need to begin a successful career both within and outside the country.
I believe that Prasadi will continue to provide all the students with many opportunities for the future, and offer excellent guidance for their career. I am confident that you will find Prasadi to be the type of institution that provides a friendly comfortable and an academically focused atmosphere to serve our educational needs. I am very much grateful to the academy which has developed an awareness of self and sensitivity and habits of self-discipline and acceptable behavior in our children
Ratan Subedi
Baltimore, USA
I am very glad to mention that I have opted for Prasadi Academy to enrol my child among all the academies of the valley. The reason behind it is very simple-highly qualified and committed team, academic excellence, holy mission of character formation and service-oriented education. I find my son quite disciplined, dedicated, determined and devoted. The credit for it goes to the Academy. Prasadi Academy has been successful in keeping its own identity where students learn a code of exposure to practice in different activities. Words fail to capture my deep appreciation for the Academy where ‘family and ‘making the journey together’ mean everything to fulfill the mission of the Academy.
Finally, I hope that many parents are having rewarding experiences and the more they know about what is happening in their children’s academy and classrooms, the more success they are likely to experience. I hope this academy will be able to maintain its present qualities in the future and the future guardians will have full contentment that their children are in good hands. If I have to choose a 02 academy again for my second child I’ll definitely choose Prasadi Academy.
Mr. B. G. Maharjan
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
Parents considering sending their children to an academy may wish to see the academy functioning and to meet the principal. Courtesy, good manners, considerations for others and cultural awareness are encouraged within a happy academic environment. Such an environment will provide equal opportunities to all. This is what I have found at Prasadi Academy. This is the institution where any problems are always discussed with parents. What I like most about this institution is that any parents who are con¬cerned about their child’s progress may contact the academy at any time to make an appointment with the chief.
As a parent of my son, I have found this institution as my second home where the students who require special help are given individual attention by members of the staff. As I met the individual faculty members the conviction grew that this is an academy that believes in and practices ‘being a family together’. I found that the palpable reality of fostering an environment of strong bonds, deeds, commitments and ‘good company truly exists at this academy. Overall, I have made a fabulous choice by enrolling my child in Prasadi Academy.
Dr. Krishna Bahadur Shrestha
It is undoubtedly an arduous task to select an academy for our children among the academies sprouting like mushrooms. Education has, in fact, been a commercialized stuff. Quality education has been mistakenly compared to high-fee structure and thus unreasonably commodified. When our child is a teenager and nearing the point when s/he will leave high academy, we have reached a period of transition. This change presents important challenges for both parents and their children. The most important role the parents have is the gradual process of letting them go. It is rather difficult for parents to let go of their children and allow them to grow up.
I myself was lost in a great dilemma before I came to hear about Prasadi Academy. I visited the academy and came to understand that there are a few academies which make no compromise for the production of genuine scholars. I do believe that character formation should be the core of education. Academic excellence can be achieved only when one joins one of those few educational institutions where a total student is developed under a reasonable fee structure. Under a skillful steering of highly qualified team, Prasadi Academy has been a total institution where my child has enjoyed a lot.
Mrs. B. P. Sitoula
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
When I came here as a guardian, I found the Academy as an oasis in a desert. It is the institution where students proudly feel cared for, respected and supported in their aim to excel academically, spiritually, socially and culturally. My child is fortunate to have had wonderful, dedicated teachers and staff in the academy who willingly contribute endless hours of their time to provide exciting, quality teaching and learning experiences for our children.
Prof. Dr. Sreedhar Gautam
Sanepa, Lalitpur